Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 2 June 2024

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Somkiat
2 Kings 5:1-15
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Naaman is healed of his leprosy.
It was also related by Jesus on Luke 10 
Naaman is a successful person, and God blesses him and his business. He had like proceed which was incurable during that time. He was cleared of his leprosy and his pride. 
God uses different people to teach us and let us know God 
God can use us as well, to teach people and be a blessing to others 
The four people that were used to teach Naaman
1) the Israel girl who was a slave 
Her role is very vital as she informs about the healer in Samaria. She is the one who evangelized as she knows about the prophet Elisha
2) wife of Naaman 
She believed the Israel girl, although she just a serving girl 
Shows that her character is open and responsive, especially when leprosy was incurable at that time 
3) king of Israel 
Did not have any faith in God and Naaman went to the wrong person 
4) Elisha 
He loves the person that he is healing. Love is one of the most important factor for someone who serves God. 
Elisha instead of meeting and praying for Naaman wanted to cure Naaman of his pride, so he instructed Naaman to wash seven times in Jordan. 
Elisha teaches about obedience 
