Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 26 May 2024

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Kitti
To be one together in our hearts
Some 133.1-3
The meaning of unity in the Bible.
The day before Christ was crucified, He prayed the longest prayer
He was worried and wanted to pray for the disciples to be of one heart and spirit.
1) the Jews gathered together in one hot and spirit
Doing something together at the same time
Psalm 133.1
A pleasant experience and good as well
Psalm 133.2
To serve the Lord together, to give credit, respect and love
Psalm 133.3
The Dew of Hermon
The Lord bestows His blessings
1 Corinthians 1.10
Mark 1.11
A) To mend the damage
So that you can prevent it from becoming bigger.
Have a forgiving heart.
If someone makes a mistake in church, talk to person.
If not possible then get two or three people to help.
Try to keep it secret and in a small group
The Jews forgive three times
Jesus says to forgive 7 times 70 times total 490 times
It should become natural for Christians to forgive.
B) forgive so as to receive blessings from God.
The 4 Ms of managing a church
Man- people
Money- budget
5 M- Miracle
C) so that we ourselves will be saved
Matthew 6.15
If you do not forgive others their sins, your father will not forgive your sins
Ephesians 2.14- 15
A sense of togetherness
Jesus gives us respect, to the point of dying on the cross for our sins.
The church should not divide into rows but a combination with all holding hands joining together as one.
