Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 26 May 2024

Worship 1
Speaker: Ajarn Somkiat
Faith (Belief) comes from Hearing
Romans 10:17
2Kings 5:1-5
2Kings 5:14-15
Naaman was healed of leprosy, after hearing a captive girl of Israel talking about healing from a prophet in Samaria.
Naaman what`s a commander of the army of the king of Aram, but he had leprosy.
Naaman took a young girl as his wife.
Young girl has a great effect in the Bible.
The young woman
1) a slave
2) still young
3) a foreigner in a new home, but she is not bitter.
A) she does her work and carries herself well
B) she`s willing to serve God
C) she has empathy for the suffering
2Kings 5.3
D) she believes in God
Luke 4.27
Elijah has never killed a leprosy person
She has faith that Jesus is real and will save.
E) she believes in people who serves God
We should respect people who have different gifts from God
F) our own faith
