Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 19 May 2024

Worship 1
Speaker: Ajarn Rithi
Jesus walking on water
Matthew 14.22-33
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After Jesus fed 5000 people, his name was well known.
Jesus did it to feed their needs and not to seek fame.
Jesus is teaching the disciples to express love. Mark6.52
Peter was recorded in Matthew for walking on water to meet Jesus.
To improve ourselves
1) to try out new things
To see things out of the box
Matthew 14.28-30
Peter wanted to walk on water.
He asked Jesus if he can walk on water to jesus.
He thought about it and wanted to move forward and he asked if he could do it.
Be proactive, look for opportunities
Being in the comfort zone for a long time will mean no advancement for us
Comfort zone
Fear zone
Learning zone
Growth zone
We ask ourselves do we want to grow?
Get out from the comfort zone
Jeremiah 1.7-8
2) dare to experience something challenging
Peter walking on stormy seawater
Changing our way of thinking releases new ideas
Psalm 119.71
Tempest help us change and grow
We need to try Hands-On
Psalm 18.34
3) learn through failures
Peter sinking, allows him to learn
Understand what`s real, and God allows us to fail in order for us to learn.
