Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 12 May 2024

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Suchart
How to use the bible for blessings
Romans 15.4
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Apostle Paul says everything written in the past is to teach us, through endurance and encouragement that it provides.
How to leave our lives to give worship and respect to God
If we read three chapters a day of the Bible we can finish it in a year
1. The Old testament has 39 books, written in Hebrew language
2.  The New testament has 27 books, written in Greek language
A) Reading by books- 
Read matthew, mark, luke, john.
B) Reading by keywords
Example mercy, humbleness, faith.
We know more of Jesus by reading the first four books of the New testament.
The Bible relates bad deeds to teach us about choices. To do good versus too bad and its effects. Peace versus happiness and the difference it has on us.
C) follow by reading about the lives of people in the Bible.
Example david, paul, Mary Magdalene
Method for reading
1) be observant
Not just listening to messages but study on our own and learn through our own observances
Choose different verses / history / events/story
Ask the question why? Where? What do we get from it?
2) give it a meaning
Do not use your own thinking. We need to use the Christian beliefs.
What is the meaning in God`s way?
Learn how to receive blessings and also to offer blessings to others.
3) how to apply to our lives?
Interpretations, applications.
How to read to get blessings?
Romans 15-4
1) God will teach us
Romans 3.16. Our lives will change
2) Psalm 119.11
So that we may not sin
3) we receive hope.
God gives us a future
4) receive comfort and encouragement
2 Timothy 2.4
2 Thessalonians 2.16
The words of scripture helps us and will be the blessings that God gives to us.
