Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 5 May 2024

Worship 1
Speaker: Ajarn Somkiat
How to use the Scripture for results
Matthew 13. 18-23
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Jesus used parables to teach, and to let listeners think.
There are four types of people compared to seeds
Luke 8.11
The Bible produces seats that are planted in our hearts. There`s only one type of seed.
If we have a Bible but never reads it, the seats are not planted.
Once we start reading, the seats are planted on different soil, representing the different hearts of the people
1) fall on the side of the road with no soil.
It does not grow. (don`t understand the scripture )
It gets eaten by the birds.
When we are doing quiet time, make sure no disturbance from outside. Satan steals the seat away before it can grow.
 2) falls on rocks with little soil (roots are not deep)
Understands the information but does not keep the information. 1 ear in, one ear out
Remembrance at all.
Understands the scripture in a shallow way.
3) fall into the water/ thorns.
(Destructions from the world)
Below the world and affected by things of the world. Very influenced by the world and chooses the world in the end.
4) fall onto good soil resulting in understanding the scriptures.
Grows and getting nourished
People who understand get good results.
The Bible has answers for every question.
Matthew 13. 52
People who understand.
30 x 60 x 100
1) luke8.15
Have a lot of faith. Like have wi-fi/electricity.
Example we will read the Bible when we love something or believe in something.
2) receive
Mark 4.20
3) understand Matthew 13.23
4) remember Luke 8.15
5) get results
