Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 28 April 2024

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Chetchai
The victory of Jesus and its effects on our life.
Acts 8:9-24
If Jesus did not resurrect, it would be a different story. Resurrection proved that Jesus is real.
The victory of Jesus will not have an effect if we do not use it to spread the word.
Story of the Samaritan called Simon
Simon thought that he can use money to get the gift of praying for the Holy Spirit to be upon others. He was chatted by Peter and John
The Samaritans were not on terms with Jews from Israel
God let`s John want us that Satan continues to work till the very last day but God will win the battle
Acts 8.9
Matthew 24. 23-28
We need to be aware of false prophets coming out these days to claim they are Jesus.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
Acts 8.13
Some people may serve God, but do not understand the victory of God. Received baptism but do not understand the real meaning. Example Simon
Thinking of Simon is still of the world. He used money to buy something
Simon saw that Philip could exalt size people heal and start to believe in god. But he did not have a real understanding 
Acts 8. 18-19
1 Timothy 6.10
Do not let money be our boss
Matthew 6.33
Choose to follow Jesus first, and God will act and bless you after
Acts 8.20
Simon was chastised by using money.
Money cannot get forgiveness for sins but God wants us to confess.
Money cannot buy length of life too, from God
Matthew 7. 22-23
Point them to the right way, like Peter did to Simon.
Taught him how to repent
Satan will bring bitterness to our lives, through health issues problems with families and gives us feelings of taking revenge.
