Worship 1
Speaker: Ajarn Somkiat
Being Victorious
1 Samuel 16:12-13. 1 Samuel 17:47
David toppled Goliath at age 16, with his sling.
David had a lot of faith.
Giant (Goliath)
1) our problems, or anything that makes us afraid. Jump/health/problems at home
2) assignment from God. That seems difficult for us
3) the mountains that we have to cross over
Example Church expansion
Robert Schuller- faith is reacting positively to a negative situation
Matthew 17.20
God was looking for a new king
No one believed David
1) Jesse (father of David) had eight sons
David was small size and short.
Send mail thought that it should be elliot.
Got says no to the seven sons until Samuel asked for anyone else and
2) Samuel- did not believe in David because of the overall look of david.
3) his brothers.- David was asked to bring food for his brothers. He was just a food deliverer.
4) Saul- David had no experience. 1 Samuel 17.33
Saul gave the armor to David but David refused and took only the sling
Lesson learned.
God can use us no matter who we are.
We do not have to be an apostle, teachers, full of experience etc
We choose the way that works for us when God uses us.
5) Goliath- laughed and looked down on David.