On easter, Jesus appeared to the women and on the evening appeared to 10 disciples.
One week later, Jesus appeared to 11 disciples including Thomas. Thomas had the news but have not met Jesus yet.
Thomas is a courageous person. He dares to question and ask.
Because the first time Thomas did not see jesus, so he wanted to prove everything by himself. He wanted to touch the wounds on Jesus` hands and legs, or if not he will not believe.
Belief (Faith) is important for all Christians.
Hebrews 11:6
We must believe in God and that Jesus has resurrected.
Four types of people:
1) never see and don`t believe
If they don`t see with their own eyes, they will not believe.
Romans 1.18-20
Christians believe in Jesus even though we have not seen Him. However it`s because we can experience Him.
We do not know Him personally but we can see the creation by Him
Example do we believe we have a great-grandmother? Yes even though we do not see them. We believe because we know the background and the reasoning behind the logic.
2) see and still do not believe
John 1.9 -14, 18
Many people during Jesus time saw Him but still did not believe or receive Him
People can actually try to prove that it`s real by searching for proof
3) must see to believe (Thomas)
People who once the truth, wants to experience and prove by themselves that it`s true.
Thomas met Jesus personally and proved that Jesus resurrected.
4) do not see and yet believe.
1 Peter 1.8-9
All Christians have not seen Jesus but believed in Him.
Blessed are those that do not see but believe. John20.29. 2 Peter5.6-7