Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 16 July 2023

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Suchart
Heart of the shepherd 
Ezekiel 34 :11 to 16
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When the Bible talks about goats / sheep it refers to everyone on the earth.
Goats have eye problems so they group around together.
There are two types outside the herd and within. When goats go outside the herd God will go out to look for them.
God criticize the shepherds that do not take good care of their herd. They do not help them when they are sick, and kills them for meat and for their fur. And those that were lost they did not search for them.
Some of the churches in Northern Thailand they do not have any pastors as the pastors have to go out to work to make some money.
Verse 11. God says He will take care by himself.
To change the leader`s heart to be like that of Christ. John 10:16
1) the goats are helpless some are not in the hood that needs the protection
God asks that those waylaid goats should also be brought in for protection.
God cares about every goat and God wants us to look out for every goat.
The goats in this world without Christ are in a room that is dark. V12
We have to go and help them.
We receive God`s blessing and that is one duty for us to share the blessings with others.
2) John 1:5
The light wins over darkness and the light is Jesus
John 9:5
We can be the light of the world, with the help of Jesus in our lives.
3) God will lead us
1945 to 46, the Jews worldwide converts together to form israel.
If we are stuck and cannot make a decision, we ask Jesus. He will lead us to make the right decisions.
Nehemiah 9:12
2 Corinthians 2:14
If we do not know where to go, God (Jesus) will lead us and He and we will follow Him.
God`s promise that He will take care of us
God knows where the grass is greener, where is suitable for us.
Proverbs 23:1-2
John 10:11
Jesus says, I am the Good Shepherd
V6. I will give you strength
I will be fair to all.
I will take care of those who bully you.
