Bangkok Fellowship Church



Summary of message from 23 April 2023

Worship 1
Speaker: Ajarn Somkiat
You are the salt of the world
Matthew 5:13
Who was Jesus addressing the message to?
The people who came to listen to him, and his disciples. Many people were there.
Matthew 5-7
Jesus teaching us on the mountains.
Jesus talked about people being the salt as well as the light of the world. V 13, 14
We believers form the same group.
Jesus wants Christians to emit light amongst the darkness, as the society is now very fake.
In the world today it is very difficult to stop people from doing bad things do to the internet.
Meaning of salt in Bible:
Jesus trusts us much and Jesus says that once we are a believer we become a representative of Him.
1. Salt is the covenant
-clean, sincere heart.
When people wants to offer offerings they add the salt. It shows the seriousness of salt as a symbol.
Numbers 18:9, 19
2. Salt has its worth
Salis= salt
The people in Rome ancient cities used salt as a barter representing money when they trade.
1 Corinthians 6:20
Every minute of our time is money. We can use it to bring people to God.
3. Living a life that is different
Salt can be a good preservative.
Example when we add salt to fresh fish and food. Romans 12:1-2
To be salt we are to be the preservatives of the people, to prevent them from going bad.
A preservative, we have to be different from the other people who are non-christians.
4. Adding flavor, as in seasoning
Colossians 4:5-6
Flavor that is just correct with the right amount of salt.
Sometimes adding salt to a dish actually makes it sweeter.
Saying things that has a purpose with good meaning.
5. Having salt is like having love in your life.
Romans 5:5, Mark 9: 50
In a human body, we have 70% of H2O.
In the 70% we have assault level of 0.9%
Saline solution helps a dehydrated person.
Love comes through from the Holy Spirit
Matthew 5:16
1. Helping people and people will see the goodness of Christians
2. Worship the Lord
Do not keep your salt in a bottle. Shake it so that it comes out and can be shared amongst the people.
Remember not to lose the saltiness in our salt. Losing the saltiness means losing the goodness as Christians. Luke 14:35
