Summary of message from 3 April 2022
Speaker: Pastor Somkiat K
Believe with your Heart (Romans 10:9-10)
God will prepare many things for us, after we repent and follow Him.
God sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. We need to believe and trust in Him.
We need to change our life. It is not a one time forgiveness kind of event.
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that
you profess your faith and are saved.
Conditions where we will be saved:
1. Repent and understand and admit that you have sinned
2. Believe in Jesus with all your heart, that He died for our sins on the cross Acts 16:31
3. Follow the steps of Jesus and walk close to Him.
Believe with your heart
1. Believe in something in the highest. (Mark 7:20)
The highest target in our lives. when it comes from the heart, and when it is the target
of our lives, everything comes easy. Tithing to church comes naturally.
2. We cannot worship two masters Matthew 6:24
God must come first . Light cannot be together with darkness. Once we love Jesus
with our heart, everything changes.
3. Not a belief in our head or brain. Jacob 2:14
If a man says he has faith but no works?
After a rally, if one hundred people receive Christ, usually only 4-5 people will come back,
even with Billy Graham rallies. Why? They did not believe with their hearts.
Rahab on the other hand, believed with her heart and trusted in the Lord.
4. Believe, but must have love too. Luke 7:42, 50.
The woman who used her hair to clean and wipe Jesus` feet and poured perfume on his feet.
"Your faith has saved you.. (faith that comes with love too...)
5. Believe and must get to know the Lord more.
Once we understand more, we will trust Him like a child who trusts that the father will have
food on the table everyday. Luke 18:17, Job 13:15
6. Belief means obeying Him as well... 1 Peter 1:21-22