Bangkok Fellowship Church




G.D James

A notorious infidel delivered and eloquent sermon on Christianity, and then asked if there were any questions from the audience.

An old man with a half-eaten orange in his hand mounted the platform, stood before the audience until he had eaten the orange, and turning to the speaker, he said:

“I have just one question, sir. Can you tell me whether the orange I just ate was sweet or sour?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, old man” said the speaker rudely. “How on earth can I know if that orange was sweet or sour. I didn’t eat it, did I ?”


“Exactly,” said the old man with satisfaction. “I was a drunkard and a gambler for many years until I came to Christ and proved His love and mercy. But how can you speak about Him when you have never tasted Him yourself?”

“O taste and see that the Lord is good”

(Psalm 34:8)
